As you would have seen from the video, that we at IPSSR while conducting Behavioural Training Corporate Workshops, we emphasize a lot on the real life research on humans and even animals. This gives a clearer perspective to the participants about their Behavioural conduct and the indelible impact it has on others.
Behaviour is about the choice between Stimulus and Response. It's about whether we chose to create a desired Stimulus for a desired response or we chose to react to other people's stimulus and become a remote in their hands. If we react, ,more often than not the animal instincts are strongly seen as a part of reactions.
Similarly, in organizations the participants are sensitized with creating stimulus with and for each other rather than reacting at each other. Our Workshops on behaviour includes real life situations and role plays for the participants to gain real hand experience and learnings.
Every organization has its own culture and way of looking at things even though, across any organization the common factor is Profitability, Research and excellent Customer Service. The underlying prerequisite for all these things is Behavior.
It is ones Behavior which, over a period of time, takes the shape of the attitude and vice versa, which further reflects in our lives resulting in organizational culture. One�s Attitude may be right but Behavior may be wrong concluding as no result.
Right Attitude + Wrong Behavior=Nothing
Right Attitude + Right Behavior=Everything
The Difference between Wrong and Right Behavior takes ones from Nothing to Everything. If one�s attitude is right therefore, one is very punctual, understanding, concerned, honest, etc. However if one is either emotionless or too aggressive and rude, one is bound to have lower productivity which is the last thing any organization wants. Therefore along with having a right attitude it is imperative to follow it up with right Behavior in order to function effectively.
We at IPSSR Pvt Ltd (IPSSR) help in converting the right attitude into right Behavior. We sensitize the participants to not just being fully involved in work but also understand the nuance of behavior which greatly influences the outcome.